Joel Mewton
Joel Mewton

Bitscopic Releases Project Hilleman Software as Open Source

Bitscopic announced today that it has released its “Project Hilleman” software as Open Source code on GitHub. The Project Hilleman software provides tools to connect and modernize the VistA Electronic Health Record system which is used by the Veterans Affairs Hospital system throughout the United States and in hospital systems in countries such as Jordan, Brazil and India.

Joel Mewton, Bitscopic’s Chief Technology Officer, said: “The goal of Project Hilleman is to modernize and refactor VistA with the most modern infrastructure and development practices. For example, if you want to decouple your data from the application tier so that future updates to your database technologies are more manageable, Project Hilleman enables that. It also allows you to build applications to interface with VistA using web services and the latest container technologies.”

A container describes a modern method of cloud software development where the code and all its dependencies are packaged up into a standard unit. This enables the application to run quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

Mewton continued: “The current version of the Project Hilleman software is written in Microsoft’s .NET Core which can run in cloud container environments such as AWS Lambda and Microsoft Azure. The software also allows developers to connect the VistA EHR Platform with web services using the REST API format which is very flexible and widely used.” 

Project Hilleman was named after Dr. Maurice Hilleman who developed over 40 vaccines, including one for Mumps. MUMPS is also an acronym for the software language on which many of the VA’s VistA applications have been built, thus the name of Project Hilleman has multiple layers of meaning.

The open source code of the Project Hilleman software is available at the following GitHub link: