Increase productivity to draw deeper insights, faster

For clinical trial managers, identifying trial sites that fulfill subject recruitment goals can be a costly, time consuming, and inaccurate process. BITSCOPIC PraediTrial clinical trial tool ensures a realistic assessment of trial sites’ subject population and capabilities to successfully conduct a clinical trial.

PraediTrial increases the accuracy of enrollment estimates and assists the investigator throughout the recruitment process by identifying eligible study subjects. PraediTrial uses a studies’ inclusion/exclusion criteria to comb the electronic patient record for eligible study candidates. This increases enrollment prediction accuracy, and more importantly, decreases the burden of patient identification for the entire study team.


  • Identify candidates from electronic health records pre & during trial
  • Searchable electronic regulatory binder 
“35% of delay in (clinical) studies is due to patient recruitment. Nearly one-fifth of investigators do not enroll any patients, and about one-third enroll only 5% of evaluable patients. In most programs, only one-third consistently enroll patients.” – Perspect Clin Res. 2010 Jul-Sep, 1(3): 106-109.