That’s the power of high‑resolution data

BITSCOPIC PraediAlert is a clinical surveillance platform that enables infection prevention teams and pharmacists to improve diagnostic precision so that they can:
  • Make clinical interventions earlier
  • Manage infectious diseases more efficiently
  • Curb expenses by reducing manual reporting efforts

What is PraediAlert?

In a world of data overload, PraediAlert cuts through the noise with advanced analytics, transforming patient data into powerful, actionable insights for:

  • Outbreak investigations
  • Advanced research
  • Ad-hoc data mining

With five years of lookback data upon implementation for VA hospitals, PraediAlert generates high-resolution data that helps you identify patterns quickly and with increased accuracy.

PraediAlert dashboard

How PraediAlert Can Help You Improve Patient Outcomes

PraediAlert serves VA hospitals nationwide, enabling improved workflow and identifying early intervention opportunities to improve clinical outcomes, achieve operational goals, and meet cost-reduction initiatives.  PraediAlert  can be configured for  customizable ad-hoc alerts, reports, and monitoring modules suited to your surveillance needs.


Users can access CPRS notes directly in PraediAlert, no need to toggle between the medical record and PraediAlert. 


Subject matter experts in Infection Prevention and Infectious Diseases with over 40 years of VA experience will provide each site with personalized attention while continuously working to improve and provide a product that works best for our customers..

Precision Antimicrobial Stewardship

PraediAlert plays a crucial role in antimicrobial stewardship by providing real-time customizable alerts related to infectious diseases and pharmacy.

This enables clinicians to proactively adjust prescribing practices and optimize antimicrobial use, drawing on high-resolution data from the Bitscopic platform to reduce the risk of spreading resistance and significantly improve patient outcomes with unparalleled precision.

PraediAlert further supports your antimicrobial stewardship programs with:

  • Alerts for drug-bug mismatches and broad-spectrum antibiotic orders to support timely intervention in addition to many other built-in and customizable alerts
  • Intervention reporting and tracking
  • Adherence monitoring
  • Tracking antimicrobial use
  • Creating antibiograms in seconds
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring tools
A Tool for All Clinicians

For pharmacists and clinicians, PraediAlert can access critical data and analytics so front-line staff can quickly assess and respond with tools such as:

  • Customizable alerts or reports
  • Anticoagulation monitoring
  • Pharmacokinetics monitoring
  • Emergency department lab/culture follow-up
  • Inpatient rounding tools
  • Women’s health tool
  • Access to all inpatient and outpatient medication use data
  • Access to historical data for quality improvement/research projects
Early Detection and Containment of Outbreaks
Through automated data analysis on antibiotic use and resistance, PraediAlert efficiently pinpoints trends and anomalies – such as a surge in multidrug-resistant organisms – streamlining the detection process.

PraediAlert promptly notifies infection preventionists immediately when there is a spike in reportable diseases such as Candida auris.

This early warning system enables rapid implementation of:


  • Containment strategies
  • Isolation protocols
  • Targeted treatment interventions

By identifying outbreaks at the onset, PraediAlert helps prevent the spread of infections, protecting both patients and staff from potential outbreaks.

Advanced Infection Prevention Monitoring

PraediAlert allows infection preventionists to optimize their daily tasks by providing state of the art technology with the ability to:

  • Conduct surgical site infection surveillance
  • Automatically identify foley catheters and central lines using natural language processing (NLP)
  • Record and report process surveillance such as hand hygiene and transmission-based precaution observations
  • Obtain historical data for identifying antimicrobial resistance rates, tracking healthcare acquired infection (HAI) and multidrug resistance organism (MDRO) rates, and analyzing respiratory viral data including COVID-19 data from the onset of the pandemic to present
  • Import relevant surveillance designations data from your existing clinical surveillance system
“Having access to all outpatient medication data is a game-changer for our organization!”
Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist
“The pharmacy adherence report is very well done and helpful for our entire team.”
Pharmacy Director

What PraediAlert Can Do

Here’s how PraediAlert can benefit your infection prevention and pharmacy teams:
Feature Benefits

Historical data utilization and investigation aid

  • Instant access at go-live to over five years of historical data for trend observation and outbreak investigation
  • Ability to import relevant surveillance designations or interventions from existing clinical surveillance systems
  • Ad hoc data mining capabilities for impromptu and in-depth research and analysis
Comprehensive data analysis and reporting capabilities
  • Comprehensive healthcare integration platform that consolidates patient data from various sources, including hospital electronic medical records and ancillary clinical datasets (for instance, ICU vital signs)
  • Natural language processing (NLP) to identify Foley catheters and central lines
  • VistA data pulled from encounters at any VA healthcare facility including diagnosis codes, radiology, and progress notes
  • Customizable reports for healthcare-acquired infections, medication usage (includes all inpatient and all outpatient drug usage) and drug therapy interventions
  • Downloadable line list and chart/graph formats for easy data presentation and analysis
Customizable user interfaces and reporting suite
  • Tailored interfaces and reporting to meet individual clinician and team needs
  • Enhances targeting of resources toward at-risk patient populations for ideal healthcare outcomes

Proactive monitoring and alert system

  • Continuous monitoring of diverse data sources for real-time identification of at-risk patients
  • Built in and customizable alerts for infection prevention and pharmacy
  • Link directly to patient charts within the application, reducing the error potential associated with toggling back and forth
Clinical workflows
  • Simplified electronic reporting to CDC/NHSN and local health departments for HAIs and communicable diseases
  • Streamlined processes for documenting interventions in patient drug therapy, saving pharmacists 1+ hour daily by eliminating manual tasks
  • Clinical rounding tool that is customizable and printable
  • Monitoring modules in targeted areas such as anticoagulation, pharmacokinetics, HIV PrEP, surgical site infections, and outbreak surveillance
  • Ability to record and report process surveillance such as hand hygiene and transmission-based precaution observations

Contact tracing and data management tools

  • Efficient management of surveillance reports and contact tracing efforts
  • Time saved with intuitive organism normalization and comprehensive data management without traditional spreadsheets

Ready to see how high-resolution data can support your VA facility?

Request a Demo Today